Subject: Re: O. J. FREE ONCE AGAIN From: (Dr. Jai Maharaj) Date: 1996/06/29 Message-Id:Sender: (News User Id) X-Nntp-Posting-Host: References: <> X-Info: Correct predictions published about PVN Rao, OJ Simpson, George Bush Organization: Mantra Corporation, USA Keywords: Simpson, OJ, Astrology, Prediction, Jyotish Reply-To: Dr. Jai Maharaj Newsgroups: alt.jyotish,alt.astrology,alt.astrology.asian, sci.astrology.hindu,sci.astrology.misc,, hawaii.nortle,,alt.current-Events.usa,soc.culture.usa Originator: -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In the article <>, of Thu, 27 Jun 1996 15:51:56 -0700, Thomas Seers wrote: > . . . I predicted in July of 1994 on my TV = show > Astro-Country that O. J. was innocent and would go > free, he did. . . . Bowed to our ancient sage-scientists who gave the science of Jyotish to humankind, I predicted a few days after O. J. Simpson's arrest -- and published the prediction in alt.astrology and elsewhere -- that O. J. Simpson would not be found guilty. Many readers of astrology newsgroups are familiar with this interesting comment wherein the astrologer was beheaded: : Subject: OJ's Verdict, Beheading the Messenger : From: (Dr. Jai Maharaj) : Message-ID: : : In the article , : bearing the date and time Wed, 4 Oct 1995 10:34:07 UTC, : bs355@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Julie A. Hublein) wrote: : :> You are not to be considered a saint for predicting :> an unjust, blood-tainted verdict that lets a man who :> battered and murdered his wife go free for the rest :> of his life. I would have frankly expected not much :> else from you ;-) ... This is not a Vedic astrology :> issue but a case of ugly injustice and you have :> signed onto it ... Julie : : There were barbarians in humankind's past who used to : behead messengers of news they did not like. Surely, : Julie A. Hublein is not one of them. Yet, she is not : alone in expressing the feelings she has written above. : One is certain that time, inner reflection and other : means available to her will bring her peace and healing. : : ======================================================== : Jai Maharaj Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer : Correct predictions published about P. V. N. Rao, : O. J. Simpson, George Bush and others. * Om Shanti * Jai Maharaj Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer %:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:%:% *-=Om Shanti=-* %:%:% -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.2 Comment: iQCVAwUBMdWLrelp/UA/8L65AQE/ggP/VwQlXTSFpi043UvHaSHePK8nck3GCwKi jaBdDGSkRiDcBNXt1yEDkoeW+TzjJhWBqNRvdUAy8JnJU8V5+CBZRsLcmuJF7VEx SVrFF5gwPEv+oP6k2i36vYi7rQGNbbDBL6SBbY2ofaYhnMfR7bjNgjl0KGawhpdW NhcB0WlZ7+Q= =78V3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----