Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi, Vedic Astrologer


When the guessing is over, get some facts about your future from an astrologer!

Jai Maharaj

Consultant to the stars and other special people like you!


Jyotish - Vedic, Hindu Astrology: A brief history of astrology
The Bhagavad Gita: Download the entire Bhagavad Gita (zipped)
All the News: Breaking news from various sources
India Express: News from Bharatiya sources
The Times of India: The Times of India newspaper
All India Radio: Sarkaaree samaachaar - Bhaarateeya
The Voice of America: Sarkaaree samaachaar - Umreekan
Roget's Thesaurus: Quick - What's a synonym for "synonym"?
Sanskrit Dictionary: A Sanskrit dictionary you can search
Bhagavad Gita: New Bhagavad-Gita edition - beautiful picture!
Simplified Basic Concepts: Part 1 of a series of astrology lessons
The fall of Abhijit (the star Vega): Mahabharat - The fall of Abhijit (Vega)
Hinduism Today: Ashram on Kauai, Hawaii and Hinduism Today
Solar Eclipse: Solar eclipse positions - March, 1997
Solar Eclipse Map: Solar eclipse map from NASA
Astrology Bibliography: A list of 108 books on Jyotish, Vedic astrology
Astrology - OJ Simpson Acquittal Predicted: Correct OJ Simpson prediction
Astrology: Visit the other astrology site!
Astrology: Visit another astrology site!

Jai Maharaj


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